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Beylikdüzü Urology Doctors

The department of urology, or formerly known as bevliye, is a medical department that solves the problems experienced by male and female patients regarding the urinary tract. The urology department, which is one of the surgical branches dealing with the urinary tract system and the diagnosis of diseases related to this system, is one of the departments covering the widest range of diseases. For more detailed information about the department, you can contact Elitium Hospital Beylikdüzü Urology doctors.

Although the urology department deals with the male reproductive and ejaculation system in general, it can also look at a wide variety of other urological diseases. So much so that the urology department, which is more concerned with the excretory system, not the urine in women, sometimes works together with gynecologists and urology specialists, pediatric urology doctors, since there are diseases that need to be examined as a whole.

Urological Tests

If the patient comes with a complaint of urological problems, some tests are performed before a definitive diagnosis is made. First of all, MRI or CT test can be applied to determine the exact location of the disease. You can consult urology doctors in Istanbul.

Istanbul Urology Doctors

Apart from this, sometimes ultrasound tests are also required. If the patient is thought to be at risk of infection, a urine test is requested from the patient. If necessary, cystogram, cystoscope and urodynamic tests may also be required. For more detailed information about the urology department, you can contact Elitium Hospital Istanbul Urology doctors and make an appointment for an examination.

Pediatric Urology

Pediatric Urology, on the other hand, serves in a slightly different way from the normal urology department. In the pediatric urology department, various examinations are carried out from the child in the womb to the urinary tract diseases of the 17-year-old child. So it's a pretty comprehensive section. You can apply to Beylikdüzü urology doctors for your urology problems.

Apart from these, since the urinary tract and other similar systems of children are slightly different from the system in adult bodies, pediatric urology generally serves as a separate department. If your child has any problems in the urinary tract system, you can talk to the pediatric urology doctors working at Elitium hospital and make an appointment for an examination.

Department Physicians