What is Vertigo?
Vertigo disease is actually a disease that exists in most individuals, but since it is known that it is a disease that occurs instantly by people, the number of diagnoses is less than similar diseases. Vertigo patients feel that the objects they see are spinning and experience nausea, vomiting and loss of balance.
Vertigo, which is a very dangerous disease, can cause bigger problems when left untreated. Of course, since it is not possible for every person with vertigo to have Vertigo, if you think you have symptoms, you can have a technology-based examination at our Elitium private hospital, which is a Vertigo treatment center, to confirm the diagnosis.
When diagnosing vertigo, first of all, the patient should be told how he feels and how he sees objects. Istanbul vertigo treatment center, first analyzes are made according to what the patient tells, and then tests related to the central nervous system are performed. If necessary, MRI and ultrasound can be taken.
Vertigo Causes?
Vertigo is one of the diseases that are generally based on the central nervous system and can sometimes occur due to inner ear diseases. Most of the patients complain of various ear pains and learn that they have Vertigo disease. If a definitive diagnosis has not been made but you have symptoms, you can be examined as soon as possible through an Istanbul Vertigo hospital.
Types of Vertigo
Vertigo has different types because it is derived from nervous system or various ear diseases. The most common types of vertigo are known as peripheral, otological and vestibular vertigo. These types of vertigo are known as the basic types, and there are many more types of vertigo that occur rarely. Since it will be more difficult to diagnose such varieties, it may be necessary to get help from some technological tools.
Although vertigo arising from ear infections and the central nervous system is generally known as normal vertigo, it is useful to be examined through a vertigo treatment center for a definitive diagnosis. Varieties of vertigo usually do not manifest themselves immediately and exhibit normal vertigo symptoms at first. For this reason, you can have a technology-based vertigo examination at our Istanbul vertigo treatment center Elitium hospital and have a better understanding of the situation. To get information about brain tomography, tomography center, go to our page.